Christo-Fash Documentation

In this section, which will be a work in progress, we will be documenting Candace’s Christo-Fascist views and how they relate to her work, with citations of clips and locations in shows, as well as explanations when necessary. There is a lot to go through and it will be worked on, over time.

Book Work

Blackout: How Black America Can Make Its Second Escape From the Democrat Plantation

September 15, 2020 published by Threshold editions

Ever since episode 1 of Gishgallop Girl, we have spent time in almost every episode, moving through Blackout, even in Episode 8, where we started fact-checking clips of her current show, Candace. We will eventually get through it all, and at that point, we will be going through her catalog of older filmed material until we catch up to whatever the present is, far in the future. Aside from being a current running account of her Christo-Fascist views, I also wanted to see if it is possible to show a descent into madness from her. Because I believe as I type this in August of 2024, that there should be some pattern, some mindset that can be tracked and studied. I think in many ways that Candace is beyond help, as she has lived on the grift for so long, it’s all she knows…but this work might be able to help others that see friends or perhaps themselves following a similar path. So, this will be a living work, added to over time. For Blackout though, lets dive in.

Foreword, by Larry Elder

Here in the Foreword to this book, Larry Elder, a former attorney and radio host who also happens to be a black conservative, introduces the book with a long quote of a speech Candace Owens gave to Congress, on April 9, 2019. In this book, the exact source of the quote is never mentioned, not even in the Notes section at the back of the book. I had to seek it out, and in so doing, I also watched this appearance and the testimony of actual experts brought forth. Candace was requested, not put under a subpoena, requested, to show up as the GOP expert for a panel about the Rise of White Nationalism in America.

Candace insisted that there was no problem that warranted the panel. Her statements flew in direct opposition to data that had been gathered for years by many organizations and law enforcement agencies. Candace was actively running cover for the very idea of White Nationalists, which has been a recurring theme of her public life. During her appearance, a representative from California, Democrat Ted Lieu, played a section from an appearance she had done in the UK, where she was asked about the word “Nationalism”.

Candace herself, without prodding, entered into a semi defense of Nationalism and then she herself brought up Adolf Hitler. She called Hitler a Globalist and said that if he had stayed simply a Nationalist, then he would’ve been okay, but that he had dreams outside of Germany, and thus he was a Globalist. Now…this is the kind of understanding that I would expect a child to have. Hitler clearly didn’t have problems at the time with other countries being themselves, such as his allies in Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Italy, Japan, and elsewhere. But the very idea that he would have been okay, by pursuing a policy of anti-judaism and anti-Jehovahs Witnesses (look up “Purple Triangles” for more information) and anti-anything seen as outside the Deutschland culture, such as Jazz Music, the very idea that the Holocaust would have been okay if he had limited it to just Germany is appalling.

For us, this was the start of the Christo-Fascist rabbit hole. Candace claims that several prominent Right-Wing Jewish people are her friends, and I think to some degree, this is true. But, I think as time moves on and she feels more emboldened to speak louder about her beliefs, I believe she will be just fine having only Jewish friends that are actually self-hating. But, I digress. Candace Owens misunderstanding of basic history and outcomes and origins has to be willfull, because there is no other way someone in her position could continue to hold such views otherwise. To excuse Hitler because “all he wanted to do was ‘Make Germany Great Again’” is still too far, if a person has any idea about how Fascism works or what it takes to maintain