1) So…you guys are not Black, Women, or GOP. Why are you critiquing a Black Female Conservative?

That’s a good question, it would seem. But honestly, I expected someone, literally anyone else, to do more than just devote a bad interview to Candace’s work, and do it in the style of Knowledge Fight or Tuckered Out, on Candace Owens. No one really was. Some groups, like “Not Your Grandmother’s Book Club”, had gotten close with their review of her book, Blackout, but no one was going after her body of work. So I decided to do so.

I am not doing this just because Candace fits into a rare category, which is Black Female Conservative. I am doing this because her star is rising, and I feel it would be racist and sexist to avoid doing this show because she is a Black Female. If she were in any other category, and she were the person that she is, I would still be doing this show. If that explanation isn’t good enough, well…I don’t know what to tell you. I hope your life is going well.

2) What did Candace ever do to you?

Directly, nothing. I have no personal beef with Candace. However, the Alt-Reich views she and her friends espouse, those are damaging to society and I want to shine a light on her work. Because I feel she gets away with a lot of ear poison and bad takes, and I want to push back on it. If Candace somehow saw the light and used her platform for good, I would support her work. But that is highly unlikely. Her lifestyle and income are attached to the grift.

3) Would you ever Debate Candace?

If I ever see her engage in an actual debate, I’ll consider it. But I’ve never actually seen it. I’ve seen her Gishgallop all over interviewers when they disagree with her. She follows the likes of Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson and Ben Shapiro and so many others in this regard. These folks don’t debate. They lie loudly and quickly. It’s the verbal equivalent of a zombie horde. So for now, July 2024, that’s a no.

4) Are you afraid of Candace learning about your work?

Not really. I’m certain that Alex Jones knows about Knowledge Fight and Tucker knew about Tuckered Out, Crowder knows about Louder Than Crowder, and so on. These people know better than to single out podcasters that are doing the work of exposing their lies. They don’t want their audiences getting curious.

5) Would you be willing to go on other podcasts?

Absolutely, as long as I can check out their work ahead of time.

I’ll add more FAQ’s as time goes on.